Fill out a witness slip to urge Illinois House members to pass HR438

Alt text: Take action: Urge lawmakers to pass HR438 to tell IDOT to prioritize transit and make DLSD a boulevard – not a highway. Better Streets Chicago.

On April 10th, 2024, the Illinois House of Representatives will be holding a hearing in the Transportation: Regulations, Roads, & Bridges Committee to consider HR438. Introduced by Rep. Kam Buckner, this resolution urges the Illinois Department of Transportation to transform DLSD into a “true boulevard” and prioritize green mobility like transit and cycling.

While it is non-binding, passing this resolution would send a strong message to IDOT from the Illinois General Assembly to present better designs than what they’re currently considering.

And we need your help! Take a moment and fill out a witness slip before 3pm on Wednesday, April 10th to show members of the Committee that you support HR438!

How to file a witness slip:

  1. Under Section I, fill out your name and contact information. If you’re filling out on behalf of an organization, put the organization’s name under “Firm/Business or Agency.” If you’re filling out as an individual, you can put “self.”

  2. Under Section II, enter the same as you did for “Firm/Business or Agency” – and organization name you represent, or “self”

  3. In Section III, leave the “description” drop down alone and then choose “Proponent” to indicate you support

  4. In Section IV, check the third box that says “Record of Appearance Only” and then click “Create(Slip)”


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